Blog Archive

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Horse is A Horse, Of Course, Of Course

My mom has a special place for horses in her heart; she grew up riding and had her own horse until shortly before she and my dad married. In the years since, she has continued to ride off and on, and her love of horses still runs strong.

My mom dreams of having horses again complete with a ranch and acres of land. So, for the time being, until she gets that ranch, the following horses are all ones my mom could bring home. They might not be a substitute for the real thing, but they'd make for a fun addition to a home all the same.

Blog candy winner

Sorry I didn't get this done last night! Using, here is what came up:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:45

Mom to Deanna said...
Oh! How melonishus! Too cute!!!
April 27, 2009 8:23 PM

Congrats Mom to Deanna, please email me your address so I can get your prize in the mail.

Thanks everyone for playing along with our blog hop and hope you had fun!!

Samantha and Mike at the Naragansett Towers Part 2

Posted by Mariah

Our first photo stop after the ceremony is this beautiful field right off the main road a few miles from the Towers. I thought it would be nice place for the family pictures. It's one of our favorites spots, we've used it a few times... but it always looks different. Today, the sun was in just the right spot, and if there were leaves on the trees, you'd think it was summer.
Sam was just standing in this spot being her beautiful self...
Sam and Mike have REALLY nice families... everyone was so great and cooperative for photos. I tried to joke with Mike a little about cutting his baby sister some slack... Rachel has three older brothers! She tells me they can be a little over protective (I think that's putting it mildly). Anyway Mike did not appreciate my advice and says it's just his job to be breathing down Rachel's neck... sorry Rachel, I tried. And guys... you have your work cut out for you because Rachel is hot stuff- good luck!
P.S. I'd like to add that Mike's two brothers are single and looking for love (ha-ha)... so apparently it's okay for them, but not for baby sister...

Our newest snapper, Marisa took this great shot of Mike and Sam. I'm so proud!

My view...

Marisa is on a roll... she took this cute pic too.

One of my favorites of the day, just love everything about it.

Sassy ladies.

That's the Towers in the background...

I love the beach at this time of year.

Sam doesn't like the posed shots of people kissing through the veil (neither do I- it's a little cheesy) but this is pretty cute and spontaneous.

Gotta love me some sun flare right?

That's it for today... tomorrow I'll post all of Melissa's beautiful detail shots from the reception- she was busy snapping those while Marissa and I shot the formals. Also, lots of fun reception pics to post too, so stay tuned...

Gluten-Free Italian Meatball Recipe

Italian meatballs gluten free with brown rice spaghetti
Gluten-free Italian meatballs recipe with pesto rice pasta

Craving meatballs but shun evil gluten? Have I got a meatball recipe for you. And it's so good you won't even have to apologize to your Aunt Carmella. I promise. She won't ever suspect you pulled a switcheroo on the old family recipe and made it gluten-free.

Mum's the word (or is it Mama mia?).

Let's face it. When it comes to making meatballs every family boasts an ultra-special top secret meatball recipe, right? There's a loyalty to meatball mojo as fierce and tooth baring as the die hard belief that Mom's meatloaf can cure all ills, mend bruised hearts, and restore order to chaos theory.

So why am I putting myself on the line here? How do I even dare to post a gluten-free meatball recipe? The wrong ingredient or technique might actually lead to fisticuffs. Or bristling. You might turn away from Gluten-Free Goddess in utter, sheer contempt.

I'm putting my reputation on the line here, and I know it.

So why risk it? Why torture myself with the inevitable backlash? Reason one-  an obvious plea. My meatballs are gluten-free and casein-free, in other words, GFCF. My audience. My people.

These meatballs also happen to be egg-free (yes, I hear the snorts of derision- may you wake tomorrow with a blooming albumen rash and come crawling back to peruse my egg-free recipes).

Reason number two? My spaghetti and meatballs? Killer. I'm serious.

Meatball bliss.

Continue reading

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

OOPS! A little late - never posted this one!

Ok, do you hate me for this? LOL! I've been busy with some commisioned work, but I remembered I had this Tilda that I did for Easter and never posted. Yes, I know Easter is long over, but I still like how it turned out and wanted to show you.
The precious Tilda in striped stockings and the Easter Egg are both available for purchase at Magnolia-licious. Be sure and pop over there and check out what Diana's store is all about. She offers free shipping to the US and Canada, no matter how big or small the order! How cool is that?!! Free shipping ROCKS!

That cute tag is from a set of downloadable stamps from The Cutting Cafe'. DP is by Melissa Frances. I love that line of paper. Such pretty prints! Stamps were colored with copic markers. The scalloped squares were cut with my Cricut Expression and the Storybook cartridge.

Sorry....I promise that this will be the last Easter card I post until next year! LOL! Thanks for stopping by today, and hope to see you back again soon! HUGS!

♥ Grunge Rock n Roll Fashion !

Current Obsession : Grunge Indie Rock n Roll Fashion.

oohh yeaaaa. lately i've been so inpired by 'Jenny Humphrey' style. the little J from Gossip Girl series. in the newest season jenny has transformed from 'nerdy chic' style into 'grunge rock' style.
loovvvss itt!. it's so edgy.. what do you think? ♥♥

Three Elements {Kentucky Horse Farm}

It has been an awfully long time since I've posted an inspiration board and even longer since I've done a Three Elements post (funny, the last time I did such a post, I said the same thing...) This week's Three Elements, as part of Horse Week, were inspired by the beauty of Kentucky horse farms.

The first board is for a more formal and traditional bride with a hint of old-fashioned elegance. A rich palette of colors, including chestnut, emerald green, and soft peony pink, would echo throughout the decor of the day. Mint juleps would be served in their traditional silver cups, and in celebration of a Southern favorite, the wedding cake would be a delicious red velvet.

The second board is a bit more casual and has an upscale, down-home vibe. This bride is a woman who doesn't mind mucking out the stalls for her beloved horses and who draws inspiration in the colors surrounding her in the barn. A warm palette of red, mustard yellow, chestnut, and kraft-paper brown would provide the backdrop for the day, and Southern comforts, such as buttermilk biscuits and bourbon, would fill guests bellies.

The three elements this week are:

and, of course, in the Derby tradition, women in hats!

Mint Juleps & Silver Spoons
Row 1: L to R- Leo Patrone via The Bride's Cafe, Patricia Lyons via Southern Weddings, Martha Stewart Weddings
Row 2: Brides, Gene Burch Photography via, Johnny Miller Photography
Row3: Isabel Lawrence Photography, Carrie Patterson Weddings, Mary Claire Weddings via Style Me Pretty, Jake McBride of Christian Oth Photography via Style Me Pretty, Beka & Jesse-- Marie Labbancz
Row 4: Brides, Nick Weiler, Amy Squires via Elizabeth Anne Designs

Down-home Derby
Row 1: L to R- Aimee Herring Photography, Gentl & Hyers, Gene Burch Photography via, Whitebox Weddings
Row 2: Rebekah Westover via Elizabeth Anne Designs, Nick Weiler, Brides
Row 3: Pinch My Salt, Martha Stewart Weddings, romanlily
Row 4: Myrtle and Marjoram via Style Me Pretty, Mikkel Vang