Blog Archive

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Little Winter Woodlands Rabbit Happy Easter

Happy Bitten by the Bug 2 Monday blog hoppers. This week's challenge cut at BBTB2 is the Rabbit from Winter Woodlands. I had not used this rabbit cut before and I must say she is just adorable! I love the layered pieces and the potential for this cute little bunny. I used cat’s eye chalk to add depth to the edge of the top layer leg and head pieces.

I know that I have jumped the season a bit, but I combined the rabbit cut with the new Easter 2010. I used the Easter basket and eggs from the Easter cartridge, as well as the scalloped circle cut. I used my Copic markers to color the edge of the scalloped circle and to color the flowers and leaf cut out areas on the eggs and basket. I added pearl embellishments, including the black pearl for the Rabbit's eye. I used my usual black and white pens to add dotted embellies.

Do I even need to tell you that the Happy Easter cut came from the Easter cartridge???  Probably not.  I used the same chocolate brown paper for the word shadow as I used for the Rabbit, basket and bow shadows. And again I used a Copic marker on the top layer of cardstock to to match the color on the scallops.
I love the close up of the rabbit in the basket; she looks so sweet and so happy. 

The inside of the card is stamped with a curved Happy Easter stamp.  I have a confession:  I dropped the stamp as I was completing the stamp.  You will note the little smudge on the word Happy.  And finally, below is one last look at the card front.

Note:  The cut file has been added to the list of available cut files in the left column - WW & Easter Rabbit Card.

Big Blog Candy Winner!!!!!!!!

Ok ladies, I have gone through, eliminated all double posts, and discounted posts after 11:59 pm last night. And I have a winner!!! Are you excited??!! I sure am!! Ok, here we go....from, here's what came up....

True Random Number ServiceRandom Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2010-01-31 20:27:42 UTC to go count! LOL! I'll be right back.....

Drum roll please....... THE WINNER IS........

Pam L!!!!

Pam L. said...
400 Followers! amazing. I am thrilled with my 66!LOL! I can't even imagine that many! Congrats.That tells me that you are already giving to your readers by posting your wonderful cards and projects. Thanks for sharing your talent and sweet personality with us!It's so generous of you to offer all of these wonderful crafting goodies!

January 11, 2010 4:34 PM

CONGRATS PAM!!!! Please email me your address so I can get all your goodies out to you. Also, please go over to The Cutting Cafe' and pick out which stamp set you would like to have, and then go to Peggy Loves Vintage and pick out your three sets of cut outs that you would like, and let me know!

A huge thank you to everyone that played along. Thank you so much for all your kind words and support! You are appreciated more than you will EVER know!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! Big hugs!

Ask the Snappers!

We want to hear from you! Are you an aspiring photographer who has stumbled across our blog? Maybe you are an established photographer who feels a little shy or weird about contacting us? Maybe you just like taking and looking at nice photos? If you have a question about how we do what we do, we want to answer it in our upcoming series of blog posts called "Ask the Snappers".

So ask away! Leave your question in comments or email Mariah at

Happy Snapping!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Flavor-of-the-Month . . . Amaretto Madeleines

Welcome to Flavor-of-the-Month, boozy edition!

My favorite drink in the whole wide world is an Amaretto Sour. Even though I'm too lazy to make them very often, I try to keep a bottle of Amaretto in the house at all times, just in case. So, when contemplating Boozy Edition, it was calling to me.

Take a look at this Amaretto I found. Read the label...

"Made by infusion of...cookies!!!" Now, this is my kind of liqueur!

Madeleines are, to me, like a combination of cookie and can that be wrong? And did anyone else read the Madeleine books growing up? I loved those books and making these made me think of...

"In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines,
lived twelve little girls in two straight lines..."

Amaretto Madeleines with Amaretto-Vanilla Bean Glaze
(makes 22 madeleines)

10 TBSP unsalted butter, plus more for the pan
2/3 c sugar
1/2 salt
3 eggs, room temp.
2 tsp Amaretto
1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract)
1 c flour, sifted

Over medium heat, melt the butter in a saucepan. Simmer gently until the butter deepens slightly and there are small flecks of brown in the butter, about 5 minutes.

{Browning butter always makes me nervous!}

Set aside to cool to room temperature.

Beat the sugar, salt and eggs several minutes until they are light yellow and thickened. Stir in the Amaretto and vanilla bean paste.

Gently fold in the flour and butter in 3 additions each, alternating between the two. Refrigerate the batter for 45 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375. Brush the madeleine pan with melted butter.

Fill the pans with 1 heaping tablespoon of dough per cookie. Bake 12 minutes until the edges are light brown.

Let cool in the pan 5 minutes. Carefully remove from pan and let cool completely on a cooling rack.

If making these in 2 batches, let the pan cool completely. Wipe out the cookie molds and re-coat with melted butter.

Amaretto-Vanilla Bean Glaze

1 & 1/4 c. powdered sugar, sifted
3 TBSP whole milk (or whatever you have on hand, lower fat will make a thinner glaze)
2 TBSP Amaretto
1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract)

Whisk to combine all of the ingredients.

Place the madeleines on a cooling rack placed on a cookie sheet. (This will catch the glaze and make for easier clean-up.)

Spoon glaze over the cooled cookies.

Flavor-of-the-Month February will be CHOCOLATE!!! Oh, I can't wait!!!

♥Reminder: when linking up, please link to your blog post only...not your blog's main page. These links will be removed. If you're not sure how to do that, click here.♥

Want to check out our past FOTM's? Click here! It's a great way to find new blogs to love!

Link away! (Linky will close the evening of February 3rd to discourage spammers.)

Peggy Loves Vintage contest!

Have you been wanting to try some images from Peggy Loves Vintage?? Well, nows your chance to win some free images! Just visit Peggy's blog and get the free image of this beautiful vintage heart (make sure you click on the heart first before you save it so you get it at full size). Then make a project with it and post a link on Peggy's blog (or email her a pic) before February 12th, and you could win 2 sets of cutouts from Peggy's store!! Fun stuff!!!! So hurry on over there and get your free image, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I printed the image out twice, once on kraft paper for the dark background, and once on white Bazzill so I could have the brighter pink heart in the center. I cut out the brighter pink heart, stamped it, and then popped it up from the background image after using a little chalk ink around the edges. It's also for sale in my etsy shop. Link is on my side bar.

Thanks for stopping by to see me today, and hope to see you back again soon!! Hugs!!

image - Peggy Loves Vintage
paper - DP - Fancy Pants Letters of Love; kraft paper, Bazzill cardstock
tools: heart Nestabilities, Bow Easy
Misc: pink rhinestones, silk ribbon, charm, machine stitching, stickles, dimensional tape

Snap! Rewind...Photodates

Remember how it felt on our first photodate? Just you guys.... and your own personal snapgirl! It's so fun getting to know you before the wedding. Here's the "Best of" in our photodate category.