Blog Archive

Monday, February 28, 2011

Quinoa Salad with Pineapple, Broccoli, and Mint

Quinoa salad with pineapple and broccoli and mint
Pineapple quinoa salad with broccoli. Fresh and healthy.

Spring is beckoning. I can feel it. And my winter-stiff body is aching to stretch and move and shed the yearly inertia that descends like a bear with the shrinking daylight. My brain is flickering awake. My taste buds are tiring of the heavy, creamy comfort foods that sustained me (thank you, lovely spuds, lasagna, and mac and cheese, I love you with all my heart).

I'm craving lighter, cleaner tastes.

Not to mention, missing my warm weather jeans. You know the ones. That stack in the back of the closet you haven't fit into since December, when you began wondering if the laundromat medium heat setting was shrinking your favorite Levi's boot cut. The jeans you have to lay down to zip, doing your best imitation of Jane Fonda's pelvic tilt, sucking in your breath and praying to the zipper gods. Your skinny jeans. You know what I'm talking about. You have two sets of jeans, right? Winter. And summer.

So here's what I'm thinking. Quinoa to the rescue.

Vegan. Versatile. Easy. Fresh. Light. This new quinoa salad with pineapple and broccoli and fresh mint is all of the above. And maybe, just maybe, it'll be the first step to fitting into those skinny jeans.

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Peanut Butter Blossoms . . . one of our favorite cookie recipes

Do you have a go-to cookie recipe?  A recipe you can always depend on when you need to bring cookies to a party, to a school function, or to a friend? 

Here's mine.  Peanut Butter Blossoms.  PB Blossoms are little sugar-dipped peanut butter cookies with a Hershey's Kiss perched perfectly on top.

You've probably eaten them...and you might just have the recipe in your arsenal.  If you don't, you need it.  These babies get scarfed up by kids and grown-ups alike.

{PS....I have written in my cookbook (do you write in your cookbooks?) that the 1st time I made these was when kiddo was 7.  He said these were the "most fun" recipe he's ever helped make.}

Peanut Butter Blossoms
{ever so slightly adapted from The King Arthur Flour Cookie Companion}

1/2 c. butter
3/4 c. creamy peanut butter (I use Skippy Natural)
1/3 c. sugar (plus more for rolling)
1/3 c. light brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp coarse salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 & 1/2 c. unbleached, all-purpose flour
Hershey's Kisses (7 ounces)

Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.  Preheat oven to 375.

Using the paddle attachment, beat the butter and peanut butter until blended.  Add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy.  Add in the egg through vanilla and mix until thoroughly combined.  Add in the flour in 3 additions. Scrape the bottom and side of bowl as needed.

Place extra granulated sugar on a plate. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls and roll in the sugar.

Place coated dough balls on the parchment-lined sheets.  Bake cookies until the are a very light golden color, about 10 minutes.  (Meanwhile, unwrap the kisses.)

Remove the cookies from the oven and it's go time!  Immediately place a kiss on top of each hot cookie, pressing down slightly.

{Kids LOVE to help with this part!}

Transfer cookies to a cooling rack to cool completely.
My favorite part? How the heat from the warm cookie makes the kisses soft and melty.  You want one now, don't you?  Oh, and here's how I eat them....I eat all around the perimeter of the cookie, saving the Hershey's Kiss with a bit of cookie on the bottom for the *perfect* last bite.

Are you sold yet?  Wanna try a Peanut Butter Blossom?

Blog Hop, Blog Candy, and a Birdcage!

Happy Monday everyone!  If you are following the Bitten by the Bug2 blog hop you arrived here from Lori's blog - Welcome.  If you are one of my regulars popping by please do take a few minutes and visit all of blogs on the BBTB2 blog hop.  The Design Team members have created awesome projects to share. 

The challenge cut this week is the birdcage or bird house from the Straight from the Nest cartridge.  I chose to use this simply lovely birdcage to create a unique wedding card! 

I used three pieces of cardstock to cut the birdcage, a silver metallic for the top layer, a charcoal print for the middle layer, and a high glitter sparkle cardstock for the shadow layer.  Using scissors I removed the single bird from the cage and added my love bird couple.  I also added a little heart, a ribbon bow and a few gems to the cage.

Next I cut a gate fold card in soft pink cardstock.  I scored the folds with my scrorepal and affixed the birdcage to the left side of the card front.  Using the charcoal cardstock and the Picturesque cartridge, I cut for decorative corners for the front of the gate folds.

As you open the left side of the card the tag on the right side is revealed.  Using the same charcoal cardstock and a stamped image, I added a Mr. and Mrs. stamp to the middle of the tag.

The inside of the card was embellished with decorative corners which leaves lost of space to write a personalized message.

Before you head on your way, remember that I have blog candy!!!  Just leave a comment and you will be in the drawing for a $25 gift voucher from CUSTOM CROPS!!!  Who doesn't like to do a little free shopping?  I know I do!  I will draw a random winner on Thursday morning before I leave for the Circle Crop in Atlanta!

I hope you have enjoyed the blog hop. The final stop on the blog hop is at the blog of our beautiful and talented design team sister Krista.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jordana Brewster Wallpapers

Jolene Blalock Wallpapers

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Magnolia-licious blog hop winner of Ribbon Hair Tilda

Hi friends! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! It's time to announce the winner of #221 Ribbon Hair Tilda from the You are So Special collection which is available at  Magnolia-licious.  If you want to see her all colored up, just click HERE. Thanks so much to everyone that hopped with us. I know it takes a lot of time and I truly appreciate your visit and the time you took to leave a comment! I wish you could ALL be winners! So without further is the winner of the adorable Ribbon Hair Tilda...

And #40 is....

Congrats Vicki!! Please send me your address so I can get your stamp right out to you! Thanks again for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jodie Marsh Wallpapers

Jodie Foster Wallpapers

Jodi Gordon Wallpapers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Ode to Bread . . .

There was a young girl from Dallas,
...wait, that's a limerick, not an ode.....

I'm not quite sure how to write an ode, but I will tell you, bread is special to me.

{This is Panera's Tomato Basil bread.}

I grew up smelling bread dough rise for my mom's famous cinnamon rolls.  There was beer bread, warm from the oven and slathered in butter.  Bread was always a part of our lives.

My Bread Story:  Well, I was dating this guy.  And one day (15 years ago today, to be exact, right about this time of's 4:30pm here), he called and asked if I wanted to go to Happy Hour.  Of course, I said!

He picked me up, and drove not to a restaurant, or to a bar, but to a park.  A beautiful park.  From the back seat, he produced a loaf of bread and a bottle of champagne.  We sat on a wooden park bench, sipped champange and tore off chunks of bread.

And then, I SCREAMED!  There was something big and BLACK in the bread.  He was calm, removed the black "thing" from the was a box.  He knelt down on one knee and proposed.

{When you're dating someone with an engineering degree, I guess it shouldn't come as a shock that he carves out the perfect size cubbyhole in a loaf of bread for a ring box. And then puts the whole thing back together perfectly.}

So, the rest is history.  It may explain why, as I watched this Panera "Ode to Bread" video, I got teary-eyed.  Watch it and tell me, does it make you teary, too?

Just ONE of the reasons I LOVE Panera, is that their freshly made, always delicious loaves of bread are ready and waiting for me in the store when I don't have the time....or am feeling too make my own.

Treat yourself to one.....or better yet, have your honey pick a loaf for you.  You never know what might be hiding in there! ;)

{Do YOU have a bread story?}
I'd love to for you to share it here...or with Panera on their Facebook page.

(This is a sponsored post by Panera Bread, but my opinions, words and proposal story are all my own.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

using Copic markers for darker skin tones

Hi everyone!  For my Copic coloring class this month, I taught working with darker skin tones. So I thought I would post it here in case anyone was looking for information. I started with the colors I got from Suzanne Dean and her tutorial for African American skin tones which I used on the top left image. And then I just started picking up my markers and playing. Here are the skin colors for each image:  (click on the picture for an up close look)

Top left: 
E25, 13, 11, and 21 with R32 on her cheeks
her hair is E15,. 39, and 59

Top center: 
E13, 21 with R02 on her cheeks
her hair is the same as top left

Top right:
E15, 13, 11 with R02 on her cheeks
her hair is E97, 99, 17, and 29

Bottom left:
E11, 21 with R02 on her cheeks
Hair is E15, 39, and 59

Bottom right:
R02, E02, 01 with R20 on her cheeks
Hair is E19, 15, and 13

All her clothing is the same. For her leotard - R32 and 35. For her TuTu  G20, 21, and 24
for her crown, Y35 and 38 trim is done with a gold Spica glitter pen

For her tights, I used T1 with a bit of B41
R02 for her tongue and E31 for the inside of her mouth.

I found a tutorial a couple years ago about curly hair, and I truly wish I could find it again so I could give her credit for this technique. But for curly hair, I simply dot on the color in randomness. I start with the lightest and move through to the medium shade, then adding the low lights with my darkest color. I will then take the lightest and fill in any areas that are missing color. Do not blend! I think it gives such wonderful texture to curly hair and looks awesome no matter what color hair you're doing. Give it a shot, but make sure you have a light, mid, and darker color. Just use the tip of your marker to make the dots, so they're not huge. I think you'll love the result!

This adorble image is by Mo Manning at Digital Pencil Too.

I hope you find this useful! Thanks for stopping by to see me and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!!

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust - My New Recipe

Gluten free pizza crust recipe topped with vegan dairy free cheese and Italian veggies
The best gluten-free pizza crust to date. A few tweaks make all the difference.

For years I've missed pizza. Not because there isn't gluten-free pizza available. It's out there. You can find it if you look hard enough. Take a gander in the frozen food aisle of your favorite natural market. Snoop around in the dairy case, next to the gluten-free bagels. You might even hit pay dirt at your local pizzeria. Especially if you happen to live in Arizona (Picazzo's gluten-free pizza is by far the best pizza joint fare I've tried). So yeah. There are choices.

Problem is, most gluten-free pizza sucks.

It's usually big on the chewy aspect. Or cracker crisp dry. With not much flavor. Yawningly bland. Certainly nothing to brag about. I mean, you wouldn't eat it if you didn't have to. You know what I'm sayin'? It's just that after years of pizza deprivation some of us are desperate for a decent slice. I'll try anything.


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What to do when good icing goes bad . . . Works for Me Wednesday

OK....let's say you're decorating cookies.  You are planning to put a pretty piped border along the edge like this:

{These are Uncle Mike's cookies, in case you missed 'em.}

But, hypothetically, your hubby wants to take the family out for lunch and pick up the piano you bought for $99 that is still sitting at Goodwill.  And let's say, you get to Goodwill and the piano is too big to fit in the SUV, so you have to run to Home Depot and rent a truck.  Hypothetically.

By the time you get back home and are ready to get piping (I kinda love that expression "get piping"), the icing you stashed in the fridge is a little less that stiff.

As a matter of fact, it looks like this....

What to do?

1st: First, stir in sifted powdered sugar.  I always have a little powdered sugar shaker in my kitchen for dusting on pancakes, etc.  Start there.  Keep adding until it feels stiff again.

2nd: Try piping on a a plate or a paper towel.  (I was using a #16 star tip here.)  Does the pretty little "shell" pattern stay, or does it get runny?

3rd: If the icing still not stiff enough, pop in back in your mixer bowl, add some more powdered sugar and with the paddle attachment, beat it on medium until stiff peaks form again.


works for me wednesday at we are that family

Papertake Weekly with Peggy Loves Vintage

Hi friends!! Are you having a good start to your week? With it being Tuesday, that means it's time for a new challenge from Papertake Weekly, and this week is sketch week! I don't know if you've ever used any of Dawny's sketches, but they are always soooo fabulous and easy to follow! We are being sponsored by Simon Says Stamp this week too, so you have a chance at a fabulous prize!!

  For my card this week, I combined an image from Peggy Loves Vintage (image is from Cutie Couples 1 cutouts) with Dawny's sketch which made this card so quick and easy!! Also, don't forget to pop over to visit Peggy on her blog. She's a truly generous soul and loves to post free images for your pleasure. So be sure to become a follower so you don't miss any!! And please leave her some love for the free images, too!

 I just printed the cute image out on Bazzill cardstock, combined it with some Nitwit Collections papers (Luv Bugs), added a bow along with a  heart made with Nesties, and called it done. Please be sure and visit Papertake Weekly to see what the rest of the fabulously talented design team has come up with, and then we'd love it if you'd grab your paper and glue and play along with our challenge! You might win an awesome prize from Simon Says Stamp! Thanks for stopping by to see me today and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!