Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Karina's Enchiladas Win the Whole Foods Budget Recipe Challenge

Whole Foods Budget Recipe Challenge Winner Karinas Sweet Potato Black Bean EnchiladasEnchiladas photo courtesy Whole Foods Market © 2008

I am very excited to announce that my recipe for Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas has won the Whole Foods Market Budget Recipe Challenge. Thank you all who voted for the recipe- and highlighted this gluten-free vegetarian entry. I am overwhelmed by the support. Over 1,300 of you took the time to vote! And I appreciate it with all my heart.

Congrats to the other talented finalists who participated with their mouthwatering array of unique dishes- Jaden of Steamy Kitchen, Rachel of Coconut & Lime, Hannah of Bittersweet, Michael of Cooking for Engineers and of Katy of Sugar Laws. Your recipes rocked.

To celebrate I am going to give away:

Five $25 Whole Foods Market Gift Cards!

To participate in this random drawing leave a comment below.

Five lucky winners will be picked out of hat
by my favorite little burro, Sparky
on Friday October 31st.

Good luck!

Contest is closed- Sparky picked the winners-
see the winners here.

Here is the winning recipe on Gluten-Free Goddess:

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas


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