Blog Archive

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh my, oh my..... What to do with the loot?

 Three and a half years ago my husband and I purchased a new home.  Before the paperwork was ever signed I had selected the smallest of the four bedrooms to be my scrapping room and the formal living room (that we never use) to be converted into an office/library for Doug.  Great plan.  We each had a room and our hobbies would not overflow into other areas.

Three and a half years later I am wishing I had selected the bonus room.  I have such a mess in my scraproom.  I have never unpacked and put away all of the loot from CHA and now I have double the piles because of my CKC shopping.  But what is an avid scrapper to do? I must have toys and scrap "stuff", right?  I know YOU understand.

Yesterday I began taking items out of their bags and boxes, planning to sort then into piles and put everything away.  That plan quickly deteriorated into a huge mess, with no real rhyme or reason.  I have reached the realization that until I reorganize the room contents I cannot hope to add in new supplies.

This is one of MANY issues I will have to resolve - pictured above are pages and pages of "unbooked" scrap pages.  I have completed the scrapping but need to purchase albums and move the finished albums to the office (yes, Doug's area - but the bookshelves are there).  By the way, there five more shelves of "unbooked" pages behind the bag!

To add to the confusion, I have a Yudu ordered, a Spellbinders Grand Calibur coming in October, and of course the new Cricut Imagine machine.  I think I need to add a shelf unit in the large closet and make additional storage in there.  Either that move to the bonus room!!


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