Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Busy with the Cricky Sneak Peek

Oh hello! It is sneak peek time!!!  I have spent the last two months creating a new product which will release later in July.  It is a product that I am proud of and very excited about. In fact, I cannot wait for you to see the entire finished product!!

So until the official release, I am going to give you weekly tease-peeks.

This week's peek is called ......... Oops, I cannot tell you the name yet.

First Snap! ... Dana and Mark's Wedding at Astor's Beechwood

Coming soon...Dana and Mark married at Salve and an amazing! reception at Astors Beechwood Mansion. They had a fantastic day with the likes of Raina Dawn Events and Buzz Media Company on hand, you won't be disappointed!

It was an . . .

...itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, yellow polka dot bikini!

I thought we'd finish off Desserts for Dudes month by giving the guys a little eye candy cookie.

As Mr. E probably has guessed, this is as close to a bikini as I'm getting in this lifetime (or the next).  Enjoy, honey.

The bikini cookies are really simple  I outlined and filled in yellow royal icing; I used a combination of AmeriColor Lemon Yellow & Egg Yellow for this color.  The dots were dropped on while the yellow icing was still wet.  (A video of this technique is available here.)

To make the palm trees:

  • Using #2 tips, outline the branches in green and the trunk in brown royal icing (AmeriColor Avocado and Leaf Green mixed, AmeriColor Chocolate Brown). 
  • Thin the royal icing with water to the consistency of thick syrup.  Cover with a damp dish towel and let sit several minutes.
  • Stir gently with a rubber spatula to break any air bubbles that have risen to the surface.  Transfer to squeeze bottles.
  • Fill in the trunk of the tree in brown.
  • Fill in the leaves in green.
  • After 1 hour or so, add the details to the truck in piping consistency royal icing, using a #2 tip.
  • Let dry overnight.
  • Prepare a "sanding sugar station."  You'll need:
  1. meringue powder mixed with an equal amount water
  2. sanding sugar
  3. small paint brush
  4. coffee filter
  • Paint the meringue powder/water mixture over the edge of the cookie.
  • Holding the cookie over the coffee filter, sprinkle on the sanding sugar. Shake off excess onto the filter.  
  • Use the filter as a funnel to refill container of sanding sugar.

    So, what did you guys think of Desserts for Dudes month?  I'll tell you our favorites:
    Alrighty...Desserts for Dudes month is officially over.  Bring on the pink and sprinkles!

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    Yes, Even More Vegas Layouts

    I am still scrapping away on the Vegas/Grand Canyon trip.  I am not sure if I am even halfway finished yet.  I did order close to 300 photos for the digital photos.  What was I thinking????  Oh yes, that my memory is failing and my scrapbooks will capture my memories for me.

    I only had enough photos of the New York, New York casino to justify a single page layout.  Fortunately MFK reminded me that I had this map and I WOULD want to scrap the map.  Great idea Kathy!  Plus it gave me a matching page. 

    I used Destinations cartridge for the Statue of Liberty cut on the NY, NY page.  I am soooo please that I purchased that cartridge. It has a lot of useful cuts. 

    The Welcome to Las Vegas cut is from SCRAP YOUR TRIP, one of my favorite online scrap stores.  Julie always has the best custom made die cuts and the best papers for any travel of special interest.

    Don't forget to leave a comment under the previous post if you are interested in being in the drawing for a $25 Custom Crops Gift Voucher!  The drawing will be held on Thursday!

    Winner for the Wags 'n Whiskers blog hop!!!

    I was one of the lucky blogs that gets to choose a winner from the Wags 'n Whiskers blog hop this past weekend! The winner will receive two digital images of their choice from the brand new collection, Let's Party!! So without any further ado, here is the winner!!!

    And lets go find out who #30 is......

    A huge CONGRATS Cathy! Please contact Nikki at  with your choice of two digital images from the new collection which you can see right HERE!

    Thanks so much to everyone that played along! Have a fabulous week! Hugs!

    The Original Photo Lounge by Snap! Jillian + John at Linden Place

    The Photo Lounge..It's ALWAYS a hit!

    We have a number of fun backdrops to 'jazz up' the Photo Lounge experience.

    Not that is needs 'jazzing'... because it's so awesome on it's own.


    Papertake Weekly - In stitches

    It's time for a new challenge at Papertake Weekly, and this week we're sponosred by Simon Says Stamp!! Dawny is challenging us to use stitching on our project, and it can be any kind of stitching. Either actual stitching or faux with a pen or rubons. I used machine stitching on this one. I chose this adorable digi image from Whimsey Stamps. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on this image that it was going to be perfect for this wedding card.

    The cardstock is Bazzill and papers are digital from Nitwits. Flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts (of course). I used lots and lots of Kaiser flat backed pearls on this one. I didn't have any of the swirls, so I just made my own. I think they turned out ok, huh? What do you think? The bow is made from May Arts Silk Ribbon, and I hung a heart and key charms from it. Made a matching envelope box to go with it, and called this one done!

    That's it's for today! Please be sure and pop over to Papertake Weekly to see the fabulous creations from the rest of the design team. Then grab you paper and glue, and maybe you'll stitch your way to a prize from Simon Says Stamp!! Thanks for stopping by to see me today, and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    Carob-Almond-Banana Smoothie

    Carob and banana smoothie that is vegan and dairy-free delicious
    Almond milk smoothie with carob and banana.

    It's the little things in life. So they say. And today I would agree- wholeheartedly, in fact, with every rebel piece of my dairy-free chocolate verboten heart. The heart that beats without the comfort of gluten, without the silky swirl of cream, without the sexy burn of Tapatio sauce and raw red onion. The heart that misses Penne Arrabiata and roasted tomato salsa. The pragmatic heart that now beats on a mission, to quell this monkey gut of mine long enough to heal a stubborn duodenal ulcer.

    And that is why, Babycakes, no chocolate will grace my tongue. Or peppermint tea (which I drank by the gallon to calm said monkey gut). Apparently chocolate and mint exacerbate little things like hiatal hernias. And, oh yeah. Holes in your duodenum. 

    The things you learn. Better late than never.

    Continue reading

    Gluten-Free Blueberry Crumb Cake Recipe

    A slice of gluten-free blueberry crumb cake
    Blueberry crumb cake- gluten-free summer goodness.

    Blueberries are in season so I thought I'd reprise a favorite recipe of mine. A tender blueberry crumb cake. Perfect for sharing with a friend.
    And a glimpse back. Blogging is like a time machine. You get to thumb through not only recipes but bits of life and places you no longer inhabit. A year ago we were stuck in New Mexico, chained to Ojo Caliente by the unraveling real estate market, watching our nest egg crack and wither and blow in the dust to oblivion.  A year ago I wrote this post about coming to Santa Monica. ~Karina

    Sometimes in life- when you least expect it- the stars are kind. Synchronicity smiles. And disparate pieces of your dreams bump up against one another and nestle snug into place. I'm referring, of course, to my dream of California. Summer by the Pacific, walking the beach, shopping the Farmers' Market, reuniting with my sons. Cooking. Writing. Haunting book stores and coffee shops.

    I've been trying to get there for two years.

    No, the house hasn't sold yet. But Plan B is under way. We found the elusive summer rental. Just when I thought it wasn't going to happen. A sublet in Santa Monica. In the nick of time. A lovely, light filled creative space. With a sweet kitchen. So I am back to making lists, mapping our drive south to Flagstaff, AZ, turning west to aim for the coast. I am lying in the dark alert, at 3 AM, pondering not the mysteries of the collective unconscious, not the properties of desire and effect, quantum attraction and Zen detachment, but favorite flavors of chocolate chip cookies. I am imagining herbed sandwich wraps (recipe soon!). Bags of salted popcorn. iTunes playlists. And this, a new blueberry cake recipe I felt inspired to bake. With a cinnamon crumb topping.

    I think it's perfect to pack for a two-day road trip, don't you? Or even a two minute trip, scooting across the back yard barefoot to visit your best friend and neighbor. She'll make the coffee. Or iced chai. While you unrap the cake you get to eat, too.

    Continue reading

    Jillian + John at Linden Place, Part 2 / Rhode Island Wedding Photographer

    Posted by Trish: Photos by Trish and Melissa

    I knew you would be back for more...these two are so adorable, how could you resist?!

    So I totally missed this when it happened but how great is the best man jumping and clicking his heals in the background! I thought I was just getting a cute photo of them walking.

    Speaking of cute, take anything and add two little boys, you got yourself some serious cute. Although getting them to do what you want is like herding cats, oh well.

    We gave the kids a break and did just the big kids for this photo. Although I teared up while the maid of honors son desperately cried out for her, it was kind of tragic!

    Total sweetness.

    I'm sure that little boy would find this to be 'silly' too. Whatever!

    You have to have at least one classic portrait.

    Is this out of style yet? Because I still love it and never get tired of it, what's not to like anyway. Some things are timeless and this is definitely on the list. One walking away shot, check.

    This tree was the bomb, the texture is to rich, and they look great standing in front of it. Probably have driven by this tree hundreds of times, never saw it until this day!

    Oooh, more walking. They look so natural here, love it!

    The wedding party, back together for one last shot...

    Jillian's inspiration was 'vintage preppy'. I think this feels like that. LOVE that bouquet.

    The back of the gown had these fabulous clear chrystal buttons, so romantic!

    Maybe Semia can tell us what these orange 'thingys' are, they totally brought it home!

    I noticed a lot of guests eating their candy BEFORE dinner. I don't think that they were necessarily intended to be the appetizer...

    Chowder by Blackstone Caterers. Oooh, mini doughboys!

    I love this cake by Sin Desserts (she's right up the street from us in providence) it's so sweet looking. OK, I meant sweet and in cute.

    The finale of all the hard work everyone put into this day...ready for the reception!

    You know, there is always a guest a every wedding who tries to get in on my shots...

    Linden Place is such a cool place for a wedding, this doorway into the carriage house is so amazing!

    John doesn't look too happy. Although he'd had time for a few 'gansetts at this point...suspicious at best.

    Looks like Jillian is happy too! Actually I think that they are not used to being int he spotlight and might have been a little nervous!

    But they were working it anyway!

    Another one of my 'blue light specials'. Oh it makes me so happy to get this kind of shot!!!!

    Unfortunately the reception was no fun and there was no dancing. What?! Even grammy was into it, holllllla grammy!

    Guess what song this was. You guessed it. Awesome.

    Well, it was a spectacular day, from start to finish, success.
    Jillian and John, here's wising you a long and happy life together, you are a great couple!!! Thanks for having us be part of your day, it was our pleasure for sure!

    Those Who Made it Happen...
    Gown and Veil: Priscilla of Boston
    Shoes/Clutch and Bridesmaids: J Crew
    Hair: Tara from Wish Salon
    Make-Up: Alayne White Spa
    Venue: Linden Place
    Caterers: Blackstone Caterers
    Cake: Sin Desserts
    Flowers: Flowers by Semia
    Invitations and Programs: Heather Jeany on Etsy
    Bridesmaids Clutch: EA03 Designs on Etsy
    Band: Nancy Paolino and The Black Tie band
    Linens: Rentals Unlimited
    Lodging: Bristol Harbor Inn
    Transportation: Newport Trolley
    Photography: Snap!